Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mayor with his son get arrested

Recently the mayor of a New Jersey town was arrested, together with his son. The police arrested the family after it was claimed they had shut down an online service advocating his recall.

According to press reports, Felix Roque, 55, the mayor of West New York (NJ), and his son, Joseph Roque, 22, have been arrested by the Feds. The prosecutors found out that the pair worked out how to shut down the website – they gained access to the GoDaddy account which was used to control the domain. The family managed to obtain e-mails and messages that have been sent among opponents.

The prosecutors explained that Felix and Joseph Roque wanted to discover who exactly was behind the recall website. 22-years-old Joseph Roque’s searches in Google included “hacking a Go Daddy site”, “recallroque log-in”, and “html hacking tutorial”. As a result, the young man worked out how to reset the e-mail account which was used to register their opponents’ domain with GoDaddy and obtain control of the GoDaddy account.

After the shutdown of the service, Felix Roque went further and used the messages retrieved from the compromised accounts in order to identify people who used to run and support the website and called them. Felix Roque claimed that he had friends in high levels of government and it was them who had shut down. He also promised that now everyone would pay for getting involved against the Mayor.

At the moment, both the mayor and his son are charged with three counts of hacking. Felix Roque has been elected after leading a successful recall against the former mayor, Sal Vega.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Hypnosis | Method of Making People Focused

The word hypnosis is derived from greek word 'hypnos' which means sleep.It is a method which brings the person in a state of consiousness but having low surrounding awareness and has strictly focused attention. The name hypnosis is given by James Braid which means a "nervous sleep". From this statement you may think that hypnosis means making a subject sleep. But actually hypnosis is not sleep. It is totally different than sleeping.For example the sleeping person cannot hear but a hypnotized person can. This is defined in term of Alpha brain waves. It is measured high during hypnosis but low during sleep.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Stun Gun

Have you ever seen in movies that a person with a gadget,when he touch his opponent with that gadget. His opponent gets a massive electric shock and falls down infront of him.That gadget is not other than a 'Stun Gun'.This device has an advantage over other weapons is that rather killing a person it takes them down by making them unconsious.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

What is a Microprocessor?

      The term microprocessor itself tells its meanning 'micro' means small and 'processor' means which processes,it may be data or instruction.The microprocessor is the most important part of the computer or we can say brain of the computer.The computer you are using to read this page uses a microprocessor to do its work . The microprocessor may be of pentium,a k6,a spark,a power pc or many other brands.You may be using any one of them but all of them do approximately same thing in same way.
        The formal defination of microprocessor is"A multipurpose, programmable,clock driven register based electronic device that reads binary instruction from some storage device called memory,accepts binary data as inputs processes data according to instructions and finally generates result as output."A microproceessor is also known as a CPU or central processing unit which is the complete computational engine that is fabricated on a single chip.
           Intel 4004 was the first microprocessor,introduced in 1971. It is a 4-bit microprocessor.It could only perform addition and substration.Although it was nat very powerful , but it was the great achievement because everything was in one chip.Before 4004,computers are built either from collection of chip or from discrete component like transistor wired one at a time.It was the first portable electronic calculator.
       The microprocessor is futher divided into three units namely: ALU(Arithmetic and Logic Unit), CU(Control Unit), RA(Register Array).

Sunday, May 29, 2011

How does the gun silencer works..?

You may have seen in different movies or in real life,the use of silencer in a gun.You may be surprised or you may have thought that how we can silence a gun,you may think there is a complicated concept beyond making a gun silent.But you should not worrry,because it works on a very simple principle.
       Let us take an example of a balloon filled with air.If you pop that balloon with a sharp things like pin ,it will brust making a loud sound.But if you let the air pass slowly from the end of the balloon it makes a very little noise.This is the basic concept behind a gun silencer.
             Now let us see the firing mechanism of a gun.When we press the trigger,the gunpowder behind the bullet is ignited.It creates a pulse of high pressure hot gases.This pressure forces the bullet to eject through the barrel of the gun.When the bullet exist the end of the barrel,the pressurized gas behind the bullet suddenly get expanded,which makes an extremly loud sound.
         Now when a silencer having the huge volume compared to the barrel is screwed at the end of the barrel,the high pressure gas behind the bullet will get a big space to expand.Which result in fall in pressure significantly.Finally,when the bullet exit through the hole of silencer the final pressure of the gas is much more decreased compared to the original.Therefore it produces much softer sound.