The term microprocessor itself tells its meanning 'micro' means small and 'processor' means which processes,it may be data or instruction.The microprocessor is the most important part of the computer or we can say brain of the computer.The computer you are using to read this page uses a microprocessor to do its work . The microprocessor may be of pentium,a k6,a spark,a power pc or many other brands.You may be using any one of them but all of them do approximately same thing in same way.
The formal defination of microprocessor is"A multipurpose, programmable,clock driven register based electronic device that reads binary instruction from some storage device called memory,accepts binary data as inputs processes data according to instructions and finally generates result as output."A microproceessor is also known as a CPU or central processing unit which is the complete computational engine that is fabricated on a single chip.
Intel 4004 was the first microprocessor,introduced in 1971. It is a 4-bit microprocessor.It could only perform addition and substration.Although it was nat very powerful , but it was the great achievement because everything was in one chip.Before 4004,computers are built either from collection of chip or from discrete component like transistor wired one at a time.It was the first portable electronic calculator.
The microprocessor is futher divided into three units namely: ALU(Arithmetic and Logic Unit), CU(Control Unit), RA(Register Array).
The formal defination of microprocessor is"A multipurpose, programmable,clock driven register based electronic device that reads binary instruction from some storage device called memory,accepts binary data as inputs processes data according to instructions and finally generates result as output."A microproceessor is also known as a CPU or central processing unit which is the complete computational engine that is fabricated on a single chip.
Intel 4004 was the first microprocessor,introduced in 1971. It is a 4-bit microprocessor.It could only perform addition and substration.Although it was nat very powerful , but it was the great achievement because everything was in one chip.Before 4004,computers are built either from collection of chip or from discrete component like transistor wired one at a time.It was the first portable electronic calculator.
The microprocessor is futher divided into three units namely: ALU(Arithmetic and Logic Unit), CU(Control Unit), RA(Register Array).
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